Friday, May 4, 2012


Well, my exercising and health habits have been less than good this week because I have been working 14 hour days. But today after work I decided that I really wanted to work out. I didn't really want to run because it's dark outside, so I found a Pilates video on Netflix. It was 40 minutes long so I thought maybe I would just do half, but all of a sudden, the 40 minutes had flown by, my heart was pounding, I dripping in sweat and I was gasping for breath. You can bet that this will be something I will do more often. Running is great but it needs to be coupled with some cross training and this was a great way to work my muscles, especially in my legs and core. Pilates feels great!


  1. you are amazing! If I work more than 8 hours, there's no way I'm working out. I need some of your motivation

  2. can i come over and do said pilates vid with you? i love pilates!
