Saturday, May 19, 2012

i'm doing great even if this blog is not

Well, I've been so busy being active lately that I haven't posted on my healthy habits blog. I discovered the secret to physical activity. Find someone to do active things with. In the last week I have been on two awesome hikes, gone on two runs and played ultimate frisbee twice. I love that I've been so incredibly active and it doesn't even feel like a hassle or a burden to get out and get some physical activity in. It's just hanging out with someone that I want to spend time with and it's so fun. I also feel AMAZING. I have huge amounts of energy all the time and even though I've been getting a little less sleep, I don't feel as tired. I am having a blast and feeling great about myself too!

On a note about my eating, it has been pretty good! I ate a lot of home cooked meals this week (as well as a couple of out-to-eats...), and I've been having green smoothies almost every day. It's surprising, but they fill me up really well and I have definitely felt differences in myself as I've been consuming more fruits and veggies. I had red meat twice this week, but oh well. This girl will probably never say no to a burger.

All in all, I'm feeling great about my healthy habit goals! The goal for this week is to be better about bedtime...we'll see how that goes!

1 comment:

  1. it probably also helps that you are dating a cute boy... i am always healthier when i'm dating someone ha ha. which is weird i know
